Saturday, April 2, 2016

Turkey - I got the best of both worlds!

just wanted to savour an authentic Turkish shawarma with Turkish tea and visit the Blue Mosque. That's all I ever wanted to do in my Istanbul layover. I had no idea that a lavishness had been awaiting me.

It was my Egyptian flying partner's idea to go cruising at night. I was hesitant at first, but excitement eventually felt.

On August 18, 2015, the crew arrived at Titanic Hotel. Hend and I immediately booked a Turkish cruise on Bosphorus Turn A Tour through the help of the hotel reception.

At 6 pm, a van picked us up. It took us to the port together with other tourists. The traffic was awful. Oh my gosh! It took 3 hours that I already slept and dreamt on my seat. However, it was worth it!

Our sea voyage started  with a sumptuous dinner at the upper deck. There were several tourists from different countries, bust mostly were from gulf. After the dinner, we went down to unlax. Oh dear! It was so amazing. On our right side, we could see Asia. On the other side, it is Europe. At that moment, I recalled Mandy Moore's "A Walk to Remember" movie where she wants to be in two places at once. I experienced it! I was in between the two beautiful continents. Cool breeze gliding over my skin, city lights beaming on my eyes, lovely music playing in the background... Ah! It made me miss the man of my dream.

A few minutes later, the program started. There was a dance floor at the center and cruisers were seated around. Different performers showcased different talents. But my favorite among them is the belly dancer.  She was very entertaining. She interacted with audience captivatingly and even goofed around. After the program, they gave the dance floor to the cruisers. Hend and I tripped the light fantastic. I turned into a belly dancer overnight. Haha!

We returned to the hotel at 1 am already.

The next day, we just had a quick breakfast buffet then betook ourselves to Meydani to visit Sultan Ahment Mosque. This was actually Hend's second time to see the holy mosque. But it was my first time, so, I had to take hundred of pictures. Haha!

This city has a lovely landscape because of the abundance of flowers. You would see different types of flowers, but tulips are the prettiest. I heard they change the kind of flowers and its landscape every season.

We met a businessman along Meydani street. He owns carpet shop and cafè, where he toured us around.

Our last activity was souvenir hoarding. Then, went back to the hotel to prep for our flight back to Riyadh.

Oh! By the way, Turkish people are very beautiful and handsome. All of them! Hihi!

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