Saturday, April 2, 2016

FAQ - Saudia Recruitment

I've been receiving a lot of inquiries about Saudia recruitment from numerous aspiring cabin crew. I apologize to those whom I was not able to accommodate. It's either because I am very busy working or busy sleeping. I am sorry for those unanswered questions posted on my pages. You could see me active on my social media accounts, but believe me, I need to use that free time to lift my sinking social life.

All questions I get are mostly the same. Thus, I decided to compile all FAQs here and provide answers. Basically, these answers are based on my experience and my colleagues' experiences.

Please note that this is only applicable for those FA wannabes residing in the Philippines. I will be posting another one for those who live in Saudi Arabia, as I am local hired.

1.) How to apply to Saudia?
Saudia's affiliated agency in the Philippines is IPAMS / Industrial Personnel and Management Services. It is located in Aurora Blvd. It has a Facebook page where the admins actively post about the recruitment that will take place. Visit the page frequently! If there is a recruitment, you may submit your CV on their website. But it's much better if you go and apply on the recruitment day itself.

2.) What are the requirements?
  • CV
  • Passport (2 years)
  • Whole body picture
  • 2x2 pictures
  • Photocopy of birth certificate
  • Photocopy of current employment certificate
  • Photocopy of education certificates (diploma and/or transcript of records)
  • NBI clearance

3.) What is the required height?
The ideal height is 5'2. The first thing they do is measure your height by asking you to reach the 212 cms line on the wall. You need to use both hands.

4.) Are scars, tattoos and/or pimples allowed?
Scars can be concealed. Please do.
Too much pimples is not allowed. If you can cover them with make up, then that's good.
Tattoos must not be visible.

5.) Do I need to be a swimmer?
At least, you can swim.

6.) What is the acceptable eye vision?
As I heard, the acceptable vision is 20/40. But if you have a problem with your eye sight, you may still apply. This will only be declared after passing the final interview, which is during medical exam in SM Lazo. Actually, it is not a problem at all because it will not affect the result. The clinic will just ask you to undergo an eye laser. It is expensive, but I guarantee you, it's worth it. You will get the amount of money you spend for the surgery on your first official salary.

7.) Do they accept applicants with scoliosis?
The angle of the scoliosis must not be more than 12 degrees.

8.) What to wear during recruitment day?
IPAMS required applicants to wear corporate attire. Preferably, skirt, long sleeves covered with coat, high heels, full make-up and hair in bun. Note, employers prefer pink lipstick.

9.) Is it okay to apply for applicants with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
Unexpectedly, I received this question thrice. So, I might as well post it here. Having this condition is not a big deal. There is no part of the medical exam where it can be detected. Two of my batchmates have it. Worry no more!

10.) How does the screening go?
Honestly, I did not personally experience the screening conducted by IPAMS. As I said, I am a local hired in Saudi Arabia. It's totally different. I got this information from my colleagues. First, they measure your height. Once you passed, you would be directed to IPAMS personnel for the initial interview. But there are days when they are up for public speaking. They give you a topic which needed to be discussed in front of your co-applicants. If passed, they inform you ( via text, call, or e-mail) to come to their office again for final interview. On FI, you would have a one-on-one interview with Saudia employer. Then, another public speaking or a role-playing.

11.) What is the required age?
Strictly, you should be 22 years old or turning 22 in a few months. You can still apply up to 30 years of age.

12.) What are the possible questions asked by the interviewer?
They ask the usual questions; like "Why do you want to be a flight attendant?", "What are your strength and weaknesses", "What can you contribute to the company?", "How do you see yourself 10 years from now?".

13.) Can I say I have family, relatives, or friends working at Saudia?
It doesn't count. Remember, the interviewer assesses you, not those people related to you.

14.) Do I need to be a degree holder? Do I need to be an experienced cabin crew?
Being a degree holder and/or experienced cabin crew can be an edge. High school graduates and first timers are welcome. As long as you are at the right age, are able to understand knowledge instilled in you, and good personality, you go girl!

UPDATE!!! I have learned that Saudia/IPAMS no longer accept undergraduates.

15.) Can married women and/or mothers apply?
You are most welcome, sisters!

I, myself, went through what you are going through right now. Do not give up! Strive more to thrive more.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


  1. Annizah, this is so helpful! :)

  2. Very informative SiS..i think i missed reading about the qualifications.."With pleasing personality" hehehe pero doon ako natawa sa pink lipstick..d ba pwede the lady in red lip balm..hahahah..goodluck to all applicants at least they have the hint already..

  3. Do we need to be currently employed before we start applying for them? How about the fresh grad?

  4. Ms. Annie, thaank you so much for all the advise and infos!! Please do make one for local hired, it would be a very BIG Help for those who are currently in the kingdom ang wanted to try their luck! Muchos gracias! 😘


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