Sunday, December 2, 2018

Life Lately #3

I fell in love with vlogging! My time for blogging has been given to recording and editing. That’s the reason I have no blog entry for the month of October. And when I don’t have an entry for a long time, I just give an update about my existence. Aside from my usual globetrotting, here are my other whereabouts.

I did another episode for TFC K World. We featured a famous Filipino restaurant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia named Fiestahan. The savory treat I had in this resto must be experienced by our OFWs in the city. Watch it here: K World: Fiestahan Restaurant in Riyadh

Jed and I had a weekend getaway at Bahrain. We traveled by car and it was the most exciting part. It was our first time to do kart racing. We had a time to watch in a movie house. It was actually our first movie date together. Also, we had fun at a waterpark. I have yet to blog about this.

I attended a god daughter’s first birthday in a private resort last October 5. I finally saw this cutie little baby because I was not able to be in her Christening day. I was too happy to see my RCA family.

October days off were spent in the Philippines. The main reason was to become one of the bridesmaids of my colleague/close friend, Angel, on October 18. I just couldn’t hide my emotions when I saw her walk down the aisle. That’s the most heart melting part in a wedding, right?

Mama and Papa celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary on October 26. I was already back in my working base at the time. Oh, these two are my inspirations. I pray that they will celebrate more anniversaries together.

And heeeey! I operated a royal flight. This is a sporadic experience given to a very few cabin crew in our commercial airline. It’s such a good experience. I was so lucky!

Last week, I got to spend 8 hours of chatting over steak and coffee with Fatima, a girl friend for 16 years.

Jotting all the highlights of the past months down made me realize how happy I have been. Wooooow! All are HAPPY memories.

38 days before this year ends. Do I need a plot twist? I guess, nah. I’m happy and contented!

Life Lately #3

I fell in love with vlogging! My time for blogging has been given to recording and editing. That’s the reason I have no blog entry for th...