Monday, April 2, 2012

They come. They go.

As they say, people come and go. Someone that we love one day, can disappear from our lives the next. Perhaps because of distance, fights, and/or loss of communication. This is when we suppose life is very unfair.

Every educational stage ends with a graduation. When you graduate, it means you accomplished a certain stage and ready to face another crossroad. Yes, I believe graduation is not the end for it is the beginning. But sometimes, I do not. Sometimes, I see it as a sign that I will no longer see people whom I am with in an institution.

Way back in high school, I was able to create a wonderful friendship with my classmates and some schoolmates. Hence, it was hard to let go of them when I had to pursue my studies in the Philippines. Now, I am soon to move out of my college life, and I feel like IT IS EVEN HARDER FOR ME TO LET GO. Probably because I experience this stage with a mature mind and my heart is entailed. This is where you encounter different things, if not, all things a person should see. So memories are fixed in my mind!

Sometimes I wonder... In every stage, you meet friends and become close to them. When this stage has to end,  there is a tendency you leave your friends behind. And when you enter a new one, you have to make friends with others and become close once more. Then, this stage has to end again. It is a cycle, but a painful one. The event occurs and repeats itself in the same sequence, but not with the same people anymore.

In exactly 11 days, our graduation ceremony will be held. This terribly gives me poignancy. I gained a lot of friends in my school, whether it be classmate or school employee (faculty members, janitors, security guards, people in the canteen, etc.). What makes it even bluer is the fact that these people are like family to me and we are about to be torn apart.

They come. They go. Can you just come and never go? May I just take everyone to my next crossroad? Pretty please?! I wish I could hold close each of them before I leave CEU.

Allow me to share photos taken during and after our Baccalaureate Mass and Sampaguita Interlude:

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