Monday, April 9, 2012

Pabasa 2012

Pabasa is a Filipino Catholic tradition, but specifically is a reading-and-chanting ritual during lent season. People narrate the text on the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ. There are also food being served to those who visit the station. As everyone knows, I am a Muslim yet aware of some Catholic traditions.

Every year, I participate during and somehow embrace Pabasa because our family sponsors the food. The past years, Pabasa had no great shakes to me. It was just ordinary day. But I never expected that this year's Pabasa would be this amazingly exceptional. The 3-day Pabasa turned out to be a collection of getting-closer moments with folks in our barangay. I personally had a chance to form close ties with the youth here. I even realized how time does a runner so fast. I was able to meet my childhood friends and did catch up.

I was wearing simplicity on my sleeves within those 3 days. I mean, no fab and glam. I visited 5 Pabasa stations in our town through feet and not by wheels. I wore slippers, and not glittering heels. I was at my simplest, but I felt everything was exceptional. The reason behind it was the people I was with. We played bingo, we went to Perya, we had chitchats, and a lot more. Those were sleepless nights but just plainly conversing and laughing with them made my soul feel awake.

The Pabasa was so quick. So, I'm missing it right now. I miss the beautiful Pabasa station, those wonderful and fun-to-be-with people, and the yummy food! Haha! The sad fact is I'll be experiencing Pabasa again after 2 years.

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