Thursday, March 29, 2012

Halt For A While

All eyes on me as I dramatically walk along the entire perimeter of the runway. I am draped with a stunning dress and feet are covered with splendid stilletos. Crowd applauds. I feel like a queen being hailed by  stalwarts with joy. Cameras flash as I gracefully strike fashionable poses. Photographers look for the best angle. I do different facial expressions and play with my hands and body. I feel like a heavenly goddess being worshiped by human. Runway, make-up, clothes, shoes, photographers, audience, crown, sash, and more! I am no beauty queen nor a supermodel but I used to love these things.

I was a shy girl when I was a kid. Confidence was not seen in me. I was afraid of standing on stage in front of many people. Fast heart beat, I was getting this every time. However, through my family's help, I was able to conquer this fear. They boosted my self-esteem. From there, I embarked on joining different pageants and fashion shows. Until it became a passion.

I won't lie. I grabbed most of the opportunities that came due to my enthusiasm for it. And thanks be to God, I never failed. Well, it doesn't mean I went home with a trophy each time I joined a contest. I won. I lost. But losing is not equivalent to failure. It only means the trophy was not for me. I would consider myself a failure if I did not give my hundred and one percent. I am proud to say, I succeeded in my endeavor and consider myself an achiever.

My age is 20. I am still young and may encounter huge opportunities. However, there was this day when I realized... I am not into this anymore. I've been receiving invitations to join pageants and for photoshoots, but I keep on declining. Slothfulness kicks my butt whenever I receive invitation. Lazy me! Haha! So, I guess I'm gonna halt for a while. Perhaps I will get back to the glare after 2 years for I still have one dream which I haven't achieved yet. I will achieve that with Almighty God's guidance. Watch out for it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ano yung one dream pa na yun? Hehe. Bb. Pilipinas ba yan? :)


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