Saturday, April 21, 2012

Confession of a Collegian

College is known to be ruthless, from uncountable homework and deadly thesis to terror professors. Some collegians think of it that way, but not I. Yes, college may slam loads of work and headaches against us, but I tell you... I had so much frolic and fun within the 4 years I spent in my university.

I am proud to say that I was a hardworking student. Thus, I graduated with flying colors. But I don't want to wash my hands and say I never became a silly one because I was once. So lemme 'fess up some silly things I hit and some info that everybody would be shocked to know about. Brace your jaw 'coz you might drop it when u read my confession. LOL!

CEU uniform for girls is a combination of white button-down shirt and white pencil skirt. Everything is white  and sheer which gives onlookers a blatant idea of what brassiere and undies color girls wear. I wasn't comfortable with this. Thus, I had to be dressed in white sleeveless and black/blue cycling shorts under my uniform.

My close friends and classmates know I have this fast metabolism and the food I take melts down easily that I need to rush to the rest room. Lol! But this doesn't happen everyday, okie dokie? Anyway, I do the deed in a restroom where water and soap are available. If the soap is not, I purchase from a store/supermarket. These are the places where I usually pass a motion; canteen's own comfort room, Rhian's house, and South Supermarket's CR. CEU-Malolos students surely get where these places are. Haha! This may sound funny and icky, but it's reality! :-P

There's a saying "Teachers call it cheating, but students call it teamwork" and I'm in the TEAM. Lol! I wasn't the type of student who hides notes during exams. Neither my eyes go sideways. Maybe did this rolling eyeballs once in a while. I was the type who directly yet imperceptibly asks a classmate about the exact answer to the question. I was a good Samaritan for I gave answers as well. :-P

In every institution, there is a "No ID, No entry" policy. To be able to successfully implement this, there are security guards assigned to check on every student and faculty member. When I was in my sophomore and junior years, I had been buying CEU ID laces whenever I forgot my ID at home. I made sure that guards would not notice its bottom part 'coz there was no ID attached with it. Nonetheless, I changed when I stepped into my senior and last year. Haha!

I believe everyone ditches a class due to certain reason. One of the common reasons is he/she had a date. This is normal but kudos to me! I never did this. Haha! Maybe because my college sweetheart lives way too far from me. I ditched but not to date.

I hate waking up early. Getting a 7-a.m. class is so inevitable every semester. I had to wake up at 4:30 a.m. or 5-ish so I would not be late. There were times that I did not attend morning classes but I did to my afternoon classes.

I got involved in a fight. The issue was baloney and crap. Haha! It happened during SportsFest 2009. It was a pure misunderstanding between few MassCom and Pre-dentistry students. A very kind HRM student got involved too for he favored me. Pre-dent students even sent a complaint letter to the CHM (HRM is under this college) regarding this HRM student. He filed a counterclaim. We were supposed to talk about this matter with the deans and school counselor but did not happen. Instead, pre-dent students approached me and we eventually reconciled.

I got tons of pens and papers at home. But I don't get myself... why wasn't I bringing any and preferred to borrow from classmates?

In the early years of my schooling in CEU, I was hating our university basketball team for some not-so-meaningful reasons. I USED TO think they're towering blowhards. When I bumped into them in the hallway, I had this impression that these players think they're handsome and famous. There was one time during a P.E. class in the gym, we noticed some varsity players with no shirts straying around. I find it unethical. Another one was when I received a text from unregistered phone number. I responded asking who he was. His response was like this "This is Pa**, varsity player number 26". I did not reply afterwards because firstly I wasn't looking for a textmate and secondly... What a stupid introduction! He could say "I'm Pa** from this college... blah... blah... blah..." Their trainer and our adviser at the same time knows about this. Haha!

Frolic and fun college life, I just stepped out of it. I am no longer a collegian but memories will linger forever.


Life Lately #3

I fell in love with vlogging! My time for blogging has been given to recording and editing. That’s the reason I have no blog entry for th...