Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why Saudia?

Have you noticed the massive hiring of most airlines lately? This is due to their international operation expansion. More aircrafts are arriving and many destinations are added up. This goes to show that airline industry faces intense competition in the market. Every airline aims to be number 1 and to reap large profits.

A lot of people are wondering how come I get to go to the Philippines every month? Some friends of mine even confusedly think it is a layover. Let me cut out your curiosity. Saudia has a base in Manila. Our colleagues/seniors, who transferred there, operate that flight. Thus, Riyadh-based hostesses, including I, do not have MNL in the roster. Well, I was able to operate and have a layover in Sofitel Philippine Plaza once, but that is because I was on reserve. Read this: Crew on Reserve. But to see this destination in our lines is unfeasible. So, when you see me driving around Philippines, I am on days off, not on layover. This is one of the benefits I get, which I am very grateful of.

Why I chose Saudia to be the arena for my dream job? (Technically, Saudia chose me, of course. Haha!) I have "PERSONAL REASONS" as to why. Know them below:

1.) For those who are unaware, I grew up in Saudi Arabia. I have been here since I was 11 years old. Working at its flag carrier allows me to see my family and friends here. I am already familiar with the culture and traditions. Hence, no adjustment has been stressfully done.

2.) They consider me as an Overseas Filipino Worker. But I do not feel that I am because I go to Philippines every month. How is that possible when I am everywhere in the world? Saudia gives us 5 consecutive days off monthly, which can be extended 'til 20 days through flight trades (Aside from one-month vacation leave) And guess what? We go to our homeland FOR FREE. We only have to pay for the tax, which is like 5% of the original ticket price. A normal overseas worker could go home after a year or until the end of contract. Oh how I am thankful to be with my retired parents and little sister 12 times a year!

3.) Do you want the world to be your playground? No problem! If you do not want to use your free ticket to your domicile, you may use it to other Saudia destinations. But what if you prefer to spend days off at other destinations which Saudia does not offer? Like Australia, New Zealand, Brazil?! Again, no worries! You may book your discounted ticket through other airlines, like Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, etc. This is what we call Zonal Employee Discount. Airline staff may get 75-90% discount, my parents are part of it as well.

4.) As mentioned above, we have a base in Manila. Our colleagues there flies back and forth to Saudi Arabia only. All Filipina crew have the chance to be transferred to that base, and I would like to be one of them once I get tired of flying and done eyeing the world. It feels good to stay home, be with your family, and earn a living at the same time.

5.) Another best deal that our management offers is the suspension of contract. We can put our contract on hold after 3 years of flying. This suspension can be for as little as 3 months, up to maximum of 6 months. I may ustilize 6 months for wedding preparation, wedding itself, and honeymoon. Haha! Fly with them for 5 years, you could have a one-year vacation. This is applicable for those who want to have a baby. See? Saudia seems to know the flow of crew life. 

Some ask me why not try other middle eastern airlines. They tell me to apply to prestigious ones, but that does not affect my loyalty to my airline. I mean... Saudia may not be the best airline. It may not be on the top 10 list. We may not be wearing the most glamorous uniform. It may not be a 5-star airline. But with all those benefits/perks I obtain, I can say that Saudia is the best airline.

If you ask me, "Why Saudia?" 
I'd answer, "Why not?"

1 comment:

  1. Always Saudia Airlines member one...thanks


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